2 Business Tips for the week!!!
I think we some times get caught up in statistics. For example, 90% of all small businesses fail. Another one is 50% of all small businesses don’t make it over 5 years. Where do they even get these statistics? However, I believe these stats are bias and can be manipulated like any other statistic. The big question I would ask about these statistics is how many of those people quit instead of failing?
I have very exciting news for you. There are many keys to being successful in business and the two I want to talk about today are hard work and perseverance. In my 23 years of owing small businesses, I have never been the smartest or most creative. However, I have always worked hard. Being an average athlete taught me that I needed to outwork my more talented opponents to beat them. This lesson has helped me so much in business. The other characteristic that has caused me success is perseverance. There will always be tough times in business and the people who work through them are the people who last in business. I am sure you all know that Thomas Edison failed at the light bulb 1,000 times!!!! I call that perseverance. You learn more from failures than successes and you will fail but the people who grow from that don’t become part of the above statistics.
I know you can do it!!! Hard work and perseverance will be two key factors to you not becoming a statistic.
God Bless,
Coach Sam